Kansas Spousal Maintenance Twists

Updated July 11, 2024

From 2019 and beyond, iteration of the Kansas Child Support Guidelines have needed to include a couple of new twists on spousal support and maintenance.

First, is the factor of when the alimony maintenance order was entered — before or after January 1, 2019.  If the order was prior to 1/1/19, the maintenance paid is a deductible expense to the payor; taxable as Income to the recipient. Otherwise, it is neither deductible nor taxable.

Second, the Guidelines now provide for adjusting the amount of the maintenance by a percentage representing the marginal tax rate of each party (as to their side of the transaction) or a flat 25% by agreement.

Then, when you enter a spousal maintenance amount in our child support software, say $100, the program will increase the amount by the “marginal rate” adjustment (say 22% for Dad; 19% for Mom) and deduct $122 from Dad’s child support income while adding $119 to Mom’s CSI.


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