Subscribe To Bradley Software

Note: The programs shown are the 2025 programs.
(see note 3 below for IMPORTANT changes in the licensing of our products)

* This program requires Adobe Acrobat Reader

Step 1: Enter Promotion Code (if you have one) and click Update Prices

NOTE: Your renewal promotion code is your LAST year's order number.

Step 2: Select Products for Purchase

(All child support calculator programs include ArrearsMaster® and Parenting Time Calculator®)
Price per license
Total Price
Kansas Child Support Suite
Missouri Child Support Suite
Kansas+Missouri Child Support Suite
Total (before sales tax) =>

Step 3: Contact Information - Office Location

(Credit Card information will be entered after confirmation of order contents)
Information in RED below is required - this address is the location where you will most often use the program

You MUST enter a valid Email address to receive license codes

Step 4: Confirm and Purchase Your Subscription

After you complete your purchase, you MUST download the trial program in order to follow the registration steps.


1) Sales taxes will be added at checkout if applicable. Sales Tax is added for offices located in Kansas.

2) For detailed instructions regarding the on-line purchase and program registration process click here

3) Your subscription is valid for a 12 month period from the date of purchase or renewal. Your subscription includes program updates issued during the 12 month period. The program will NOT run beyond the 12-month subscription period; renewal purchase will be required to continue using the program for another 12 months. Each calendar year program will install into a separate folder. Keeping prior purchased versions is suggested to revist calculations for prior years in the future.